It is important for a human to eat, drink, exercise, laugh, cry and all of them are considered a part of life, in the same way sex in life has become not only a necessity but a mental and physical importance for every human being. Although sex has many benefits, doing it has many health benefits along with self satisfaction. You can feel self-satisfaction by having sex at the right time. There is an old controversy about Morning Sex and Evening Sex. Men and women may have different opinions about its pros and cons. For men, daytime is the best sex time, while women consider evening time to be the best for having sex.

Because by this time she finishes her work, the children also go to sleep. Timing for sex is also very important. Self-satisfaction can be achieved by having sex at the right time, so in this article, we know when and how often to have sex. At what time do men and women desire to have sex.

Before knowing when and how often to have sex, we should know when men and women have the most desire to have sex. There is a significant increase in testosterone in men at six to nine in the morning. That is why they have more desire to have sex in the morning. At the same time, the lowest testosterone hormones are produced in women in the morning. For this reason, they do not have as much desire to have sex in the morning as compared to men. In the evening, there is little testosterone increase in women, so she prefers to have sex at that time.

Bonding strengthens with health, health and partner

If any couple has sex three times a week, when they do sex and how many times, they can get more satisfaction. At the same time, it looks more young than the others. Therefore, it is important to have sex in order to reduce stress in life, strengthen bonding with a partner and to stay physically fit. If you have sex while taking care of time, then you can feel more complacent. Explain that the benefits of morning sex are endless.

You can start the day well after morning sex. So always include sex in your daily routine to stay physically and mentally healthy. If you want information about sex or sex when and how often, then contact a doctor.

Read more: Know some great tips to get the benefits of morning sex

The conclusion

Once in every couple's life, this question definitely comes up, how many times would people normally have sex in a day or week? If you think so, then there is nothing wrong or abnormality in it. However, every couple has a different sex life. Some have sex every day, many only once or twice a week. In such a situation, if you feel that your sex life is lacking then consult your therapist or partner about it.

It is very important for everyone to know when to decide sex and how often or sex time. Research has shown that having sex calms our nerves, decreasing blood pressure and reducing stress. Research has shown that one feels less stressed if they have sex before speaking on a public forum. So if we have sex before doing big work then we can do that work easily.

To know when and how often you should have sex, it is important that you choose the time of the morning to have sex. Our body is made to have sex in the morning. At this time, not only the level of testosterone increases, but our energy is more in the morning. At the same time, having sex at this time increases the level of oxytocin, in which case the bonding between you and your partner remains strong throughout the day and endorphins keep your mood good.

Increase immunity by having sex when you feel a little weak when the weather changes

It is a bit strange to hear, but research has shown that we can increase our immunity by having sex. In such a situation, when you are a little ill due to the change in the weather, you can increase your immunity by having sex. When and how often do sex, it makes a big difference, because having sex increases our immunity power.

Know the connection between corona virus and sex life, play quiz: Is there a connection between corona virus and sex life? If you know about this then play quiz

Do sex on the 14th day of your cycle

The period cycle also plays an important role behind sex when and how often. Women can get more satisfaction by having sex on the 14th day of the period cycle. Recent research has shown that in the second week of the period cycle, women's clitoris increases by 20%. At the same time, your organism also comes on this day, this is the day when your ovulation begins. In such a situation, women have more desire to have sex on this day.

When and how often you should have sex, you can also look at the hormone cycle. In men, where there is an increase in testosterone by 25 to 50 percent per day, they have more desire for sex. On the other hand, this is not the case with women. Women's testosterone does not change daily, but occurs once a month, on the 14th day of the period cycle. During this time, women also feel the same way about sex as men.

Have sex after workouts

When and how often to have sex, it is important that you can have sex after workouts. By doing this you will feel much better than usual. You can even have sex for a long time. According to a research done at the University of Texas in Austin, women achieved reactions to the material. In this, women were cycled for 20 minutes, after which it was seen that in the general region of women, there was 169 percent faster blood flow after exercise. At the same time, you also get physically fit after a workout. Exercise increases the hormone testosterone in our body. It is considered a very important hormone for sex. When you exercise, your desires also increase.

Have sex after a bad day, relieve stress and feel good

When and how often you have sex, you can have sex whenever your day goes bad. You can reduce stress by having sex whenever you have a good day in office or somewhere else. It is better to relieve stress by having sex than drinking alcohol for stress. Research has shown that not only sex, if you hold your partner's hands after stress, then it also reduces your stress to a great extent. On the bed, you can have better sex by removing the friction on the bed. But it is important that your partner also supports you.

Have you done any activity after which you are scared or have some scary dream

You can adopt it when and how often to have sex. That is, whenever you feel scared, especially when you have come from a zip lining, roller coaster ride, or have seen a horror movie, in this stage your adrenal pumps. On such occasions you have more desire for sex. So you can have sex to fulfill your sexual desire.

Cleanliness is also very important, along with when and how often you make a physical relationship.

Cleanliness is a big factor in when and how often to have sex. Most of the women prefer to have sex before taking a bath and after cleaning and freshening up. In such a situation, the mood of women may deteriorate due to the morning brittle (bad breath in the morning) and the smell of sweat coming from the body of men at night. In such a situation, male partners can sense the demand of women, overcome these shortcomings and get the satisfaction of sex.

Benefits of morning sex

Morning sex is best when and how often to have sex. Therefore, it is important to know about its benefits so that more and more people can take advantage of it.

You can have sex for a long time: For when and how often to have sex, it is important that it is not so important to have sex, rather it is more important to have sex for a long time. By having sex in the morning, a person is able to have sex for a long time. If the level of testosterone in the body is high, then it is possible that our partner's sexual arousal will also increase. At the same time, due to the high testosterone level, the strength of our erection also increases.

Cuddle hormone releases oxytocin: You can also get closer to your partner emotionally by having sex in the morning for when and how often to have sex. This is because sex in the morning releases oxytocin, also known as cuddle hormone. Oxytocin is a special chemical found in our brain that strengthens love and bonding. When oxytocin is released during sex, your bonding with your partner becomes stronger.

Our body is fully ready for sex: Choose the time of morning for sex when and how often, because at this time our body is fully prepared. From morning onwards, the level of testosterone and estrogen in our body remains at its height. Research in 2013 showed that our sexual arousal affects our hormone levels, we also have more sexual desire when the hormone is high.

Relieves stress: Under sex when and how often, sex is related to stress. If you want to be relaxed then it is important that you enjoy sex in the morning. A research conducted in 2010 showed that Pleasure can reduce stress hormones by activating. If you do any work by having sex, then you are able to feel better.

Release Endorphins: By having sex in the morning, our body releases the endorphin nomenclature. These pain relieving chemicals help in healing our mood. This is why you feel more excited during sex.

Sex falls in the category of workout: It is true that sex cannot be compared to running, or an hour-long workout. Despite this, sex is a very good workout. By having sex, we can burn about five calories per minute. You can try it in the morning for sex when and how often, while you can also take it as a workout.

Beneficial for our brain: We know many facts about when and how often to have sex, but it is also very important for our brain. Morning sex acts as a power booster for our brain. Research has shown that having sex on the morning releases neurotransmitters and hormones. At the same time, a type of dopamine releases hormones that make us feel good.

Always helps in looking young: We can always be young by having morning sex. Experts believe that through sex we can look young, because during sex there is a leakage of oxytocin, beta endorphins and other anti-inflammatory molecules.

Bonding strengthens with health, health and partner

If any couple has sex three times a week, when they do sex and how many times, they can get more satisfaction. At the same time, it looks more young than the others. Therefore, it is important to have sex in order to reduce stress in life, strengthen bonding with a partner and to stay physically fit. If you have sex while taking care of time, then you can feel more complacent. Explain that the benefits of morning sex are endless.

You can start the day well after morning sex. So always include sex in your daily routine to stay physically and mentally healthy. If you want information about sex or sex when and how often, then contact a doctor.

The conclusion

Once in every couple's life, this question definitely comes up, how many times would people normally have sex in a day or week? If you think so, then there is nothing wrong or abnormality in it. However, every couple has a different sex life. Some have sex every day, many only once or twice a week. In such a situation, if you feel that your sex life is lacking then consult your therapist or partner about it.