It is common to catch a cold in the winter season. But, some people needlessly get cold more than others. This situation will have come before you as well and with this you will have a question that why does this happen? So tell you that this problem can also be hypothermia at times. Learn about the causes, risks and treatment of hypothermia in this article.

What is hypothermia

Our body has a normal temperature, which is controlled by the body. When the body temperature suddenly drops below this normal and safe level, it is called hypothermia. This problem can also prove to be fatal and this problem is very dangerous especially for newborn and elderly people. This is actually because your body is not able to produce so much body heat as the heat is being used by your body.

The function of maintaining heat in the body is done by a part of the brain, which is called the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus receives an indication that the level of warmth in the body is falling, it acts by normalizing the body temperature. Hypothermia can affect your ability to think. Most of the winter, your body needs a more normal temperature, but when the body is not able to keep the required warmth, it becomes a difficult situation. This problem can also be caused by staying in cold or cold water for a long time.

What is the normal body temperature?

Normal body temperature depends on your age, gender and health status. By the way, normal body temperature ranges from 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit i.e. 37 degrees Celsius to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit i.e. 38 degrees Celsius. The minimum normal body temperature can also be 36 ° C. When the body temperature falls below this, it is called hypothermia problem and body temperature above 38 degree Celsius is called fever problem.

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

During the problem of hypothermia you may face the following symptoms. But you do not necessarily have to see the same symptoms. You may have to face other symptoms or more than one of the following symptoms due to hypothermia. The symptoms of hypothermia are as follows-

You may feel excessive tremor due to hypothermia.

In the case of hypothermia, the person's breath becomes slow.

In this situation the speaking speed decreases.

The problem of hypothermia affects the ability to think, which can lead to confusion.

Some people may also face physical fatigue due to this problem.

Memoirs can also be weakened due to hypothermia.

This physical problem can cause numbness in hands and feet.

Newborn's skin may become absolutely red or cold due to hypothermia.

In addition, the energy of newborns may be significantly reduced due to hypothermia.

When suffering from hypothermia, problems in speech, problems in focusing, gait begin to falter.

The person may also faint when hypothermia worsens.

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Who is at greater risk of hypothermia?

The problem of hypothermia can happen to anyone, but in the following situations it is more at risk. like-

Age plays an important role in the problem of hypothermia. Because, there is a greater risk of getting this problem in newborns or elderly people. This happens because these people have a reduced ability to maintain normal body temperature.

Eating some depression or taking antipsychotic drugs also negatively affects your body's ability to maintain normal temperature. In this case, talk to your doctor and get the appropriate information.

Consuming alcohol or drugs can also put you at risk of hypothermia. Consuming alcohol in it can be more dangerous. Because, consuming alcohol makes your body feel false, whereas in reality blood arteries dilate and more body heat is released through the skin.

You may also have hypothermia due to other mental problems like dementia or bipolar disorder. Due to mental problems, people are unable to take adequate care of them and in such a situation it can be dangerous to go out without adequate care during winter season and can cause a drop in their normal body temperature.

Other Status



Parkinson disease



Malnutrition, etc.

What is the treatment of hypothermia?

If a person's condition has become severe due to hypothermia, he should be given immediate first aid until he receives medical help. For this, you can use the following methods. like-

First of all take the person to a hot, dry and especially closed place.

If his clothes are wet, take them off and dry and cover the clothes.

If the symptoms have not decreased even after the clothes, then cover the extra clothes with the help of blankets, sheets etc. on it. But, remember to keep his face open.

Also, do not lay the person suffering from hypothermia on the ground and put a warm blanket or mattress under the bed or if there is no bench.

Take care of his breathing process and if his breathing is obstructed, give CPR immediately.

Skin to skin contact can also be done to reduce the problem of hypothermia. If possible, take off her and most of your clothes and lie down in a blanket. So that the body can transfer body heat.

If the person is in an eating and drinking situation, then make him drink hot liquids, but do not drink alcohol or caffeine.

What is the clinical treatment for hypothermia?

According to some reports, the following methods can be used to perform clinical treatment of hypothermia. like-

The method of active external rewarming can be adopted to treat hypothermia. In this, the trunk area of ​​the body is heated by hot water bottle or hot air. Like placing a hot water bottle under each arm.

The problem of hypothermia is also treated with the help of active core rewarming. In which hot fluid is transported within the veins.